
Getting Started

To start with this, you need to just simply add the dependencies in the gradle file of app module like this

implementation 'ja.burhanrashid52:photoeditor:1.1.0'

or you can also import the :photoeditor module from the sample for customization

Setting up the View

First, you need to add PhotoEditorView in your XML layout

app:photo_src="@drawable/got_s" />

You can define your drawable or color resource directly using app:photo_src

Your can set the image programmatically by getting source from PhotoEditorView which will return a ImageView so that you can load image from resources,file or (Picasso/Glide)

PhotoEditorView mPhotoEditorView = findViewById(;

Building a PhotoEditor

To use the image editing feature you need to build a PhotoEditor which requires a Context and PhotoEditorView which we have set up in our XML layout

//Use custom font using latest support library
Typeface mTextRobotoTf = ResourcesCompat.getFont(this, R.font.roboto_medium);
//loading font from assest
Typeface mEmojiTypeFace = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "emojione-android.ttf");
mPhotoEditor = new PhotoEditor.Builder(this, mPhotoEditorView)

You can customize the properties in the PhotoEditor as per your requirement

setPinchTextScalable()set false to disable pinch to zoom on text insertion.By deafult its true
setDefaultTextTypeface()set default text font to be added on image
setDefaultEmojiTypeface()set default font specifc to add emojis

That's it we are done with setting up our library