

You can add the text with input text and colorCode like this

mPhotoEditor.addText(inputText, colorCode);

It will take default fonts provided in the builder,If you want diffrent fonts for diffrent text you can set typeface with each text like this

mPhotoEditor.addText(mTypeface,inputText, colorCode);

In order to edit the text you need the view which you will reacive in you PhotoEditor callback.This callback will trigger when you Long Press the added text

mPhotoEditor.setOnPhotoEditorListener(new OnPhotoEditorListener() {
public void onEditTextChangeListener(View rootView, String text, int colorCode) {

Now you can edit the text with a view like this

mPhotoEditor.editText(rootView, inputText, colorCode);

Customize Text using TextStyleBuilder

  • Added Text style builder for add and edit text
new TextStyleBuilder()
  • Apply style while adding text
TextStyleBuilder styleBuilder = new TextStyleBuilder()
mPhotoEditor.addText(inputText, styleBuilder);