
Filter Effect

Introducing filter feature from version 0.2.0. Now you can apply a filter effect on the source image.

There are two ways you can apply the filter on the source image

Inbuild Filters

By default, this library provides few commonly used filters . The listing of this filters is defined in the PhotoFilter enum. You can apply filter image using the following API


Custom Filter

In some cases, you want to have a custom filter in which can easily apply using a CustomEffect builder which requires an EffecFactory name and the value of its parameters

CustomEffect customEffect = new CustomEffect.Builder(EffectFactory.EFFECT_BRIGHTNESS)
.setParameter("brightness", 0.5f)

It will throw a runtime exception if the effect name is empty

Note: Check all the available filters on EffectFactory Documentation


  • Image filter is based upon the MediaEffect support library. So only limited filters are available on EffectFacctory
  • Filter feature is designed in a way that filter will apply to the source image, it wont work on the apply effect like paint, sticker, text, and emoji